Calories and weight loss benefits of hawthorn fruit bark

Hawthorn fruit peel
  • Calories:326 kcal (100g)
  • Category:Snacks, snacks, cold drinks
Nutrient content (per 100 grams) Nutrient content (per 100 grams)
Calories (kcal) 326.00 Carbohydrates (g) 80.00
Fat (g) 0.80 Protein (gram) 1.00
Cellulose (g) 2.60 Vitamin a25.00
Vitamin c3.00 Vitamin e1.85
Carotene150.00 Thiamine0.02
Lactoflavin0.03 Niacin0.70
Cholesterol 1 Magnesium66.00
Calcium52.00 Iron11.60
Zinc0.73 Copper0.51
Manganese0.35 Kalium312.00
Phosphor41.00 Natrium115.50